Sunday, June 22, 2008


Ok, today I was feeling pumped.

You see, I missed my workout yesterday which I wasn't happy about.

Our shower was out of action after getting some tiles repaired in the morning - 12 hours without using was the order.

I didn't think my dinner companions would appreciate if I had a shower in a can instead of the real deal so thought I'll give my body a rest and make up for it tomorrow.

Sure, I could've just wrote that one off as the one that got away.

But, will that get me the fat loss results I want?

You and I both know the answer to that one.

Come this morning I was pumped to get a good one in.

I had just finished filming some videos that you'll be able to see soon as well as taking some exercise photos, so I grabbed my kettlebell and was ready to roll.

Try this short Aussie Fatblast superset workout to get your heart rate pumped.

Body Weight Warm Ups (video to follow in a few days)
1a) T Push Ups x 12 - 6 on each side with a 3 secs down, 2 secs hold tempo
1b) 1 Arm Bent Over Rows x 10 on each arm
Repeat x 2

2a) 2 Hand Kettlebell Swing x 10
2b) Wallsit holding kettlebell x 1 min
Repeat x 2

3a) Rockin Hover x 1 min 1st set and Side to Side Hover x 1 min for 2nd set
3b) Floor Trunk Extensions x 20
Repeat x 2

Ok, that is normally me done. Short, sweet and my heart rate was pumping by the end and body already feeling it.

But, like I said, I missed out yesterday and had to make up for it today.

So I added the following cardio with my skipping rope
30 secs on skipping rope, with a 30 sec recovery just walking around

Repeat for 15 mins. (The final minute is 1 minute flat out skipping without the rest at 30 sec mark).

End result: 2 short, intense, heart pumping, interval workouts done in 30 mins total time.

That shower afterwards felt good I can tell you that!

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