Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Real Truth About Bread and Your Weight Loss

Time and time again I have been asked if bread is okay to eat as part of a healthy eating plan.

We have all been sold on the benefits of bread, especially multi-grain bread from nutritionists from around the world.

But I am going to let you in on a big secret here.

The only difference between this secret and a normal secret is you can tell as many people as you like about this one!

The real truth about bread and your weight loss is that it is killing your weight loss mission.

Unfortunately, there are no two ways about it.

You have been lied to and I know how you feel.

I used to be a victim of these lies too.

I used to enjoy my multi-grain bread as my so-called "healthy eating" option.

Bread is a no-no when it comes to achieving your fat loss goals.

Bread leaves your belly bloated and feeling sluggish.

Bread spikes your sugar and energy levels only to see you crash a short time later.

Bread is the silent killer of your fat loss and weight loss mission.

Can the bread and you will finally get the body that you deserve.

So, what should you eat instead of bread?

I'll cover this in another posting but you can find out the real truth about fat loss by getting your hands on the Aussie Fatblast Secret Guide to Smart Eating.

Don't let fear hold you back!

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